Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and is the second littlest planet in the nearby planetary group. Named after the Roman lord of war, Mars is likewise frequently depicted as the "Red Planet" because of its rosy appearance. Mars is an earthbound planet with a slender environment made principally out of carbon dioxide.
Equatorial Diameter: | 6,792 km |
Polar Diameter: | 6,752 km |
Mass: | 6.39 × 10^23 kg (0.11 Earths) |
Moons: | 2 (Phobos & Deimos) |
Orbit Distance: | 227,943,824 km (1.38 AU) |
Orbit Period: | 687 days (1.9 years) |
Surface Temperature: | -87 to -5 °C |
First Record: | 2nd millennium BC |
Recorded By: | Egyptian astronomers |
Mars Features
Mars has two little moons, Phobos and Deimos. They were found in 1877 by stargazer Asaph Hall, who named them for the Latin expressions "dread" and "frenzy". These moons are believed to be caught space rocks and are among the littlest common satellites in the close planetary system.
Olympus Mons
Mars has the biggest spring of gushing lava in the nearby planetary group – Olympus Mons. It quantifies somewhere in the range of 600 kilometers across and transcends the encompassing territory. It is a shield fountain of liquid magma worked by the persistent activity of streaming magma for more than a great many years that started exactly 3 billion years prior.
Olympus Mons is essential for a complex of volcanoes that lie along a volcanic level called the Tharsis Bulge. This whole area lies over an area of interest, a spot in the earth's hull that permits magma from somewhere inside to stream out to the surface.
Valles Marineris
The Valles Marineris is a broad gulch framework on the Mars equator. It is 4,200 kilometers in length and, in places, is 7 kilometers down. On Earth, it would traverse the whole North American landmass and past.
Mars has an extremely crude type of plate tectonics, and the activity of two plates past one another started parting the surface some 3.5 billion years prior. That set up for the arrangement of the Valles Marineris.
Facts about Mars
*Mars and Earth have around a similar landmass.
Despite the fact that Mars has just 15% of the Earth's volume and simply more than 10% of the Earth's mass, around 66% of the Earth's surface is shrouded in water. Martian surface gravity is just 37% of the Earth's (which means you could jump almost multiple times higher on Mars).
*Mars is home to the tallest mountain in the close planetary system.
Olympus Mons, a shield spring of gushing lava, is 21km high and 600km in breadth. Regardless of having shaped more than billions of years, proof from volcanic magma streams is so late numerous researchers trust it could in any case be dynamic.
*Just 18 missions to Mars have been successful.
As of September 2014, there have been 40 missions to Mars, including orbiters, landers, and meanderers yet not including flybys. The latest appearances incorporate the Mars Curiosity mission in 2012, the MAVEN mission, which showed up on September 22, 2014, trailed by the Indian Space Research Organization's MOM Mangalyaan orbiter, which showed up on September 24, 2014. The following missions to show up will be the European Space Agency's ExoMars mission, containing an orbiter, lander, and a wanderer, trailed by NASA's InSight mechanical lander mission, scheduled for dispatch in March 2016 and an arranged appearance in September 2016.
*Mars has the biggest residue storms in the close planetary system.
They can keep going for quite a long time and cover the whole planet. The seasons are outrageous in light of the fact that it's a circular (oval-molded) orbital way around the Sun is more extended than most different planets in the close planetary system.
*On Mars, the Sun shows up about a large portion of the size as it does on Earth.
At the nearest highlight the Sun, the Martian southern side of the equator inclines towards the Sun, causing a short, seriously blistering summer, while the northern half of the globe bears a concise, cold winter: at its farthest point from the Sun, the Martian northern half of the globe inclines towards the Sun, causing a long, gentle summer, while the southern half of the globe perseveres through a protracted, cold winter.
*Bits of Mars have tumbled to Earth.
Researchers have discovered minuscule hints of Martian climate inside shooting stars savagely shot out from Mars, at that point circling the close planetary system among galactic flotsam and jetsam for a long period of time, before crash arriving on Earth. This permitted researchers to start considering Mars preceding dispatching space missions.
*Mars takes its name from the Roman divine force of war.
The old Greeks called the planet Ares, after their divine force of war; the Romans at that point did moreover, partner the planet's crimson tone with Mars, their own lord of war. Strangely, other old societies likewise centered around shading – to China's cosmologists it was 'the fire star', while Egyptian ministers approached 'Her Desher', or 'the red one'. The red shading Mars is known for is because of the stone and residue covering its surface being wealthy in iron.
*There are indications of fluid water on Mars.
For quite a long time Mars has been known to have water as ice. The main indications of streaming water are dim stripes or stains on the hole divider and bluffs found in satellite pictures. Because of Mars' environment, this water would need to be pungent to keep it from freezing or disintegrating.
*One day Mars will have a ring.
In the following 20-40 million years Mars' biggest moon Phobos will be destroyed by gravitational powers prompting the making of a ring that could last up to 100 million years.
*Nightfalls on Mars are blue.
During the martian day, the sky is pinkish-red, this is something contrary to the Earth's skies.
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